Wednesday, November 12, 2014

8th Grade Genius Emojis

As an introductory unit, 8th grade students at Burr Elementary analyzed emojis in order to craft their own personal "'Genius' Emojis."

The big idea of this unit was expressing genius in the form of an Emoji.

8th grade students are very accustomed to communicating through text message and often send each other emojis, also known as emoticons, to let whoever they are communicating with know how they are feeling, what they are doing, etc. 8th grade students were challenged to create an emoji of their own which would communicate what they are good at, their personal "genius."

Students analyzed emojis for their communicative abilities in order to craft their own. After creating two sketches students chose one to make into an emoji using an "emoji-esque" shading technique.

At the end of the unit students wrote a reflective artist statement explaining their art.

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